Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sleep Is For The Weak!!!

hey hey bebes

I just want to start out by saying and that I'm learning to love insomnia haha. I have more time to myself to sit on my balcony (which has been taken over by my roomies dog, Boogie) and just think. And by 'think' i mean watch all the drunk queens stagger back to their apartments belting out Lady GaGa.

Yep. *wink*

I'm shooting for the NOH8 Campaign this Sunday. It will be good to do something with my image that doesn't involve sucking in my stomach for 3 hours.

Speaking of that, I'm ALSO shooting a big scene the follwing days with Channel 1 and Chi Chi LaRue. I've always been a top in porn but Chi Chi and the gang are hell bent on making me versatile so after I recovered from bottoming for Jeremy Bilding (did i mention he's like 6'2 and has a giant dick?) and found out that it wasn't SO bad, I'm doing more. It should be fun.

Right now its a little after 2am and I tried to be a good boy and go to sleep, but the leftover chinese food in the fridge was beckoning me. Beckoning.


oh sorry almost lost my train of thought.


do i even HAVE a train of thought?? haha. Nope!

I keep getting offers to dance at TigerHeat in my e-mail, but i feel a little self concious haha. All the guys there (from what i remember) have pretty sick bodies. Now, I do like the way I look. But there's a difference from being a cute guy walking down the street to dancing in my undies on a box in front of a few hundred people.

"But Vance", you ask, "You do PORN! How can you be self concious about dancing??"

to which i cooly reply

"I dunno! i'm cwwaaazzyyy"

end scene.

I'll probably just do it. It's great music (so whoever you are, Tigerheat DJ, me likey you.), a great workout, and people put moneys in my undies which then buys me tacos. and i love tacos.

I want to keep writing but i dont want to rant more than i am. But i guess a blog is FOR ranting, no??


ok ok I'll spare you.

We'll talk soon, bebes.

life is good, so don't worry about anything that isnt life threatening.

I know I know, i give the best words of wisdom.

Nighty Nights



ps - Is there a way to post pictures on here with my blog? if you know the internet voodoo magic that i need, let me know!

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